Friday, October 17, 2014

Mercury Retrograde... What Goes Around Comes Around

We are right in the middle of a Mercury Retrograde. For those of you who don't know what this is, it is when Mercury's appearance in the sky appears to go backward due to it's positioning in relation to the earth and our view of the sky.

( visit this page to learn more about Mercury.. where I attribute this photo..

This particular Mercury Retrograde symbolizes our relationships to one another. Mercury represents communications and travel, so that is why it is said that our electronics or anything to do with communication is affected.. computers, phones, as well as our communications with each other.

This morning I was connecting with Spirit while sorting mail at the Post Office, which I often do, since the work I do is somewhat mindless, and Spirit told me that it was important for people to think about their deep set beliefs and judgements, for if we have judged someone for the way they are choosing to live out their lives, or decisions they have made or lifestyle choices, look out, for retribution was about to be served! This is  not a punishment warning! The Higher Powers do not dish out punishments and rewards, as it is widely believed. We are our own judge and jury. Our Higher Self knows that we need to learn certain lessons, so we attract experiences and people into our lives which facilitate that learning. Like attracts like, but also, our attitudes and beliefs about ourselves and others attract similar experiences into our own lives.

This is not an idle belief. Science proves this in the principle of sowing and reaping, as it is described in the Bible and in nature. If we sow green bean seeds, we reap green beans. We do not reap grapes, or corn. Our thoughts create our reality. So if we think about something enough to create a judgement or a deep set belief, we are going to create the circumstances to experience the very thing we have been thinking about!

Here is a common deep set belief. "There is never enough." Do you ever feel like you never have enough time to complete your daily tasks, or enough money to pay your bills, or enough space in your home to hold all your "stuff?" This stems from a deep set belief, probably unconscious, that there is never enough! You will end up creating the experience of not having enough. With Mercury Retrograde giving it's own "umph" to that belief, we are going to come up with experiences of not having enough so that we can recognize that belief and change it!

I had a client once who had judged his father for having multiple affairs. He grew up to be an adult who had affairs as well. This is what I mean by sowing and reaping. He sowed seeds of judgement toward his father as a child, and probably forgot all about it. When he grew up, he ended up doing exactly what he had judged his father for. It is also possible that we inherit tendencies to do certain things from our family. We may not even know the person who has passed on a tendency such as I previously described, but if we judged them for having character flaws, then the particular character flaws that resonate with our own energy will end up growing up and producing a harvest in our own lives!

Here is a clincher. Instead of reaping a harvest of being the perpetrator, we could experience being the victim of said character flaw! Another family member may have judged the father for the same offense, but ended up reaping the experience of having been the victim of an affair.

Mercury Retrograde encourages us to examine ourselves and our beliefs and release any judgements or attitudes that might come back to bite us in the ass! Some of these attitudes may have occurred many years, or even lifetimes ago! How can we know what attitudes to release if we don't remember or recognize those tendencies in our lives?

Notice what comes up for you in the next couple of weeks! Are you experiencing running into people who have a particular character flaw that you abhor? Hmmm... there may be an attitude that needs to be released!!I encourage you to look within yourself and see if that tendency may lie within your own heart as well, or at least some version of it.

Remember that we are all souls navigating through this journey called life. There was no instruction manual given to us at birth! We are all doing the best we can with the information that we have! Let us let go of attitudes towards others and their choices in life! Let us all realize that we are all eventually going to get to where we need to be. Some souls just take longer to learn their lessons, but we will all learn!

Here is a little "prayer" or "affirmation" if you don't like the word prayer, that you can say to release judgements and attitudes toward others.

"I now release to the Universe, my Source, and the Divine all attitudes toward others, especially the attitude that..... (you can fill in the blank here)..." I recognize and appreciate the Divine looking back at me in the eyes of others, and especially... (here you can insert a person who is giving you trouble or pushing your buttons).

If you don't know consciously what attitudes to release, you can say a general statement that you release the tendency to judge others, and release any judgements you may have formulated that you have forgotten, asking that they be revealed to you so you can release them properly! Look out! You may experience an uncomfortable situation if you say this prayer!

My prayer for you is that you experience in this lifetime all you have chosen to experience, but especially that you experience joy. If you need help determining what judgements you may need to release, or would like to receive a channeled message from your Guides, Angels, or your Uncle Ted, please feel free to contact me and set up a private session! I would love to be of service to you in this way!

You can contact me through my website,

Blessings to you as you navigate your path!

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